Research Activities

Recycled Concrete-Highway Systems

Recycled Asphalt In Situ Testing-Highway Systems

Aggragate Particle Shape-Highway Systems

Micro Deval Tests-Highway Systems

Bio-Mediated-Highway Systems

Facing Connection-ERS

Recycled Concrete MSE Wall-ERS

Tactilus Cell Instrumentation-ERS

Landslide Damage-Natural Hazards

Hurricane Scour Damage-Natural Hazards

Levee Erosion-Natural Hazards 

Liner Systems for Aggressive Coal Combustion Product Leachate

Durability-Building Stones

Wetlands as a Means of Natural Defense against Storm Surges 

Effects of Cross-Anisotropy Within Frictional Materials to Shear Strength As Defined by Single Hardening Constitutive Model​ 

Numerical Model to Predict the Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Liner Systems

Stabilization of Foundation Soils in Roadway Systems with Geosynthetics

Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity of GCLs Under Influence of Elevated Temperature 

Subsurface Transport Phenomenon of PFAS

Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Sodium Bentonite GCL Overlaps to Saline Solutions

Constitutive Modeling of Cross-Anisotropy in Frictional Soils

Dynamic Evaluation and Stability of Landslides​

Behavior of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Inclusion at Integral Abutment Bridges

Elevated Temperature Landfill Reactions and Triggering Mechanism

Service Life Prediction of Co-extruded Geomembranes with an Ethylene Vinyl-alcohol (EVOH) Layer

Failure Mechanisms of Bentonite-polymer Geosynthetic Clay Liner and Geomembrane Composite Systems

Evaluating the Compatibility of PVC Coated Geogrid to be Used in MSE Structures that Contain Recycled Aggregate